Sunday, June 19, 2005

Tales from the Temple

James Spurgeon is the pastor of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in Golden, Texas. He grew up in an Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Church and attended Texas Bible College. He has some very interesting and humorous stories to tell of his days there as he slowly grew to see the legalistic hypocrisy inherent in this type of Pharisaical religion. I'll bet you don't read just one page!

Spurgeon says that his "book is not an indictment on the IFB movement as a whole, nor is it an indictment on the thousands of sincere, God-fearing Christians who people those churches. What I am about to describe took place in what is considered even by those within this movement as the right-wing of the movement - the extreme side.
" I was amazined at some the "goings-on"

He's got something of an axe to grind and he sharpens the blade at one of his blogs: The Texas Baptist Underground.

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