Sunday, June 19, 2005

Good intentions but ... PORN SUNDAY???

Two youth pastors heard God say the word "porn" to them and thus was born a new ministry.

They created the "porn mobile" and launched a website called and have hosted local Porn Sunday events at a few churches already, including The Peoples' Church in Tennessee and Mars Hill Church in Michigan and Mecklenburg Community Church in Charlotte, North Carolina (pastored by James Emery White).

And now they're going national.

I'm serious - they've made ABC News. They've been endorsed by Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Church.

Pornography is quite obviously a major problem in society and in the church. Who knows how many men secretly struggle with this sin, living a cyclical life of guilt, shame, disgust and self-loathing. The church must deal with this issue in the lives of its men (and women, I've read).

But, I struggle mightily with the idea of viewing an R-rated documentary called "Missionary Positions" during regular worship hours that portrays half-dressed women in pornography conventions and "working" situations. The youth pastors say that hit this issue hard and "speak the language" of youth today. To me, it all seems a little too "cheeky/hip" with a great deal of the "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" mentality that belies the seriousness of their message.

In this trailer for the movie, it seems like these youth pastors are nominally-Christianized frat boys getting thrills by hanging on the fringes of the porn society. Pornography seems far removed from the plague that can destroy a man's mind, his marriage, his ministry and his spiritual life.

I wonder what Paul's thoughts would be? Oh yeah, he told us. He simply said, "Flee youthful lusts." Imagine how much more effective his message would have been if he could have trotted out some old copies of "The Parthenon Playboy" and said "See this naked virgin about to sacrificed? Flee this. And this one over here - flee her, too." But we know better - since we're all so enlightened and all!

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