Monday, January 30, 2006

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Kim Riddlebarger recently posted the following picture and asked his readers to figure out what was amiss. Can you spot it?


Jim Pemberton said...

Is this the 96th thesis?

Anonymous said...

That 96th one must've been added on a sticky note later on. Probably right after he axed the 2nd commandment.

The *JR* is missing after King.

Jeff A. Spry said...

Since two of the three guys who visit this blog have responded - here's what I thought was wrong with it:

It seems some city official did a Google search for Martin Luther King and proceeded to post a picture of Martin Luther!

Jim Pemberton said...

Martin Luther wasn't nearly as handsome as his clip art would suggest.

Good catch on the missing "jr", Chuck. Now that you mention it, I notice the "Dr." is also missing.

Jim Pemberton said...

I finally understand your comment on the sticky tab, Chuck. No, Martin Luther posted 95 theses on the door of his church demanding a reformation of the Roman Catholic Church. I suggested that some government employee thought that closing shop for "Martin Luther King Day" was Martin Luther's 96th thesis posted on the door of the local city office.

Anonymous said...

If only three people visit this blog, then according to the counter at the bottom we've each visited it an average of 1349 times.
